Category Health 4

Top Ten Reasons to Buy a Natural Latex Mattress

1. Latex mattresses are a natural, biodegradable renewable resource: Beginning on plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, latex is sap milked from rubber trees in a manner not unlike collecting maple syrup. Local workers harvest the liquid latex and prepare it…

Top Five Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight is not about achieving the hour glass figure or the perfectly sculpted and toned body. It is more about staying fit and remaining healthy to ensure a long, disease free life. Everybody knows that extra pounds increase the…

Top 2 Ways To Lose Weight

If you Really, really want to lose weight, You’ll need to do these 2 steps. Most people only follow 1 of these. If you are frustrated with Your Weight loss efforts then I can Assure you, if You read this…

Too Stressed to Snooze?

Solutions for a More Peaceful Night’s Sleep (ARA) – Most Americans do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep required for good health, safety and optimum performance. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently reported that 63 percent…

Tips on Health

What if I told you that our health is the most important asset we have. Would you believe me? Why is it today that everybody seems to be plagued with bad health. You can make a stand and try incorporating…

Tips for Reducing Stress

With the hectic life that most people lead in today’s world, reducing stress has become a vital skill. With work stress, school stress, family stress, teen stress, parent stress, and a whole host of other kinds of stress continually knocking…

Three Natural Cures Your Kids Want You To Know!

When Hippocrates said “the physician treats but nature heals,” he was describing the human body’s natural tendency toward minimizing illness and creating optimal health. As we know, however, the body needs a little help at times. Alternative health practices can…

Think Nutrition in 2006

Food, it does the body good. It is the fuel that improves performance. Most clients always want to talk about food and meal preparation. The problem is they never want to prepare. Most of them look at preparation as ordering…

The Importance of Working Your Core Muscle

Fortunately, older persons can take action before it is too late. The best action is regular exercise that stretches the muscles and improves flexibility, with special considerations on the core muscles. This kind of response is relatively important for a…

The Wonderful World of Vitamins…Part 2

In Part 1 of this article I discussed the importance of vitamins in our diet and focused primarily on fat-soluable vitamins. Today, I will explore water-soluable vitamins and their importance in our daily diet. Water-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C,…