Category Health 4

Your Top Fitness Questions Answered

As a certified personal trainer part of my commitment to clients is consulting with them. This includes answering their many fitness and diet questions. Needless to say, I get asked a lot of questions. And, there are several questions that…

Yes, You Can Lose Weight!

Weight loss is one of the biggest industries in the world! And for those of us that need to lose weight it is the biggest struggle of our lives! The industry takes advantage of the fact that we don’t want…

Why Most Diets Fail

Ever thought of, known someone, or gone on a diet? You probably have. The word diet seems like a common word for someone who is unsatisfied with their current physical condition. The problem is that most diets usually end up…

Who Needs To Take Vitamins?

Do you need vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements for your health? If you do, which vitamins should you take? Most of us are willing to concede the necessity of having a good balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients…

What Is Refractive Eye Surgery?

Refractive eye surgery is a type of eye surgery that is used to rectify refractive errors of the eye and decrease dependency on corrective lenses such as eyeglasses and contact lenses. Successful refractive procedures can reduce myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia…

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, then maybe you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: do you experience tingling of your thumb? How about your index, middle, and ring fingers? Are you always awaken by pain during the night?…