Fitness Plan Secrets

In order to get the benefit of this Fitness Plan
Secrets training article, unless you have done so
already, it’s important that you first read the
previous article where I explained about creating a
clear goal using these Fitness Goal Secrets here:

Fitness Plan Secrets:
Click here for more information on How to Fix Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector on iPhone: Fix in seconds. Or click here if you’re looking for information on Best Vacuum for Pet Hair 2022: 10 Best options to get rid of Dust, Dander and Hairgoals. Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not
suggesting you do something drastic here.

What I am saying is that in order to achieve your
new clear goal(s), you must first look at the end
result and then backward plan it. We are going to
uncover these Fitness plan secrets.

Sound confusing?

Let me show you what I mean —

You have a Clear Goal. Not a vague one, but a
clear and definite one. So how do you go about
achieving it?

Backward Plan It!

In other words, always start with the end in mind.
This is your focus through the entire action process
from now until you achieve that goal. In your case,
the end is what you ultimately want to achieve –your Clear Goal and Definite Goal.

Lets reveal your Fitness Plan Secrets, shall we?

Imagine you have just reached your goal. How
does it feel? How does it look?

Now lets reminisce here a little:

As you feel that surge of “I did it!” rush through you,
look back over time.

What was the last step you achieved directly before
you reached your ultimate goal. This is the
beginning of the fitness plan secrets needed to
build your own plan.

What was it you achieved in that last step?

Write it down.

Now step backwards to that last step, in your mind.
What was it that you achieved just before reaching
that second last step? What obstacle did you
overcome to get here? Whatever it was.

Write that down too.

Now repeat this process, until you arrive at where
you are now.

To throw some light on it for you, let me give you
an example:

Lets assume you want to add two inches to your
bicep within 16 weeks. Here’s how you would
apply the fitness plan secrets to help you here —

Look at the end result. In this case your bicep is
two inches bigger. Imagine how that feels having
achieved this goal. WOW.

Now imagine you sitting there after finally
achieving this goal, and you think back to all the
hard work you did in order to get there. As you look
back, you start off with what you achieved just
before reaching your goal.

What did you achieve or what obstacle did you
overcome directly before your final target?

Lets say you gained half an one and a half inches
to your bicep up to the step just before reaching
your goal. That’s your gain from week one to week

Now step back into that last step, in your mind’s
eye. What was it that you achieved just before the
step you are currently on (week 12). Maybe you
gained an inch increase in your bicep muscle up
to that point.

Notice the pattern. Week sixteen – Goal of two
inches reached. Week twelve – Goal of one and a
half inches reached. Therefore it stands to reason
that on week eight, you would have reached a goal
of one inch. And on week four, you would have
achieved a goal of half an inch.

Your fitness plan secrets pattern would be
revealed. In this case, here’s how it would look in
simple terms —

Week 16 –
Final goal achieved: Two inches onto your biceps

Week 12 –
The step before that: One and a half inches onto
your biceps

Week 8 –
The step before that again: One inch onto your

Week 4 –
The step before that again: Half an inch onto your

The sixteen weeks were broken down into smaller
goals. Each smaller goal represents a step you
must reach before moving onto the next one. It’s
impossible to just go straight to two inches, without
first taking that first step.

You main goal must be broken down, like the
example above, into smaller more easily
achievable steps, working backward from your
main goal all the way down to the very first step.
This is your game plan and is what you should
follow consistently and without fail. Then —

Unless you have extremely long flexible legs, if you
want to climb a stairs that has ten steps the only
way to reach the top step is by taking the step that’s
closest and more easily achievable — the first step.

I hope you learned something from my fitness plan
secrets. Watch out for my follow on to each article
each week.