Category Health 4

Elderly Drivers: Stop or Go?

Without so much as a tap on the brakes, my aunt whizzed through another stop sign. “What are you doing?” I shrieked. “That was a stop sign.” “Oh,” she replied rather offhandedly, “they just put those there so you’ll look…

Ecological Engineering – We Can Reshape This World!

Human have always shown remarkable skill, innovation and ingenuity when faced by environmental hurdles. Instead of competing with or opposing the environment, they cooperate with it by resorting to ‘ecological engineering’, Ecos, co-evolution and the ecological paradigm. This article briefly…

Eat Right, Work Out, Sleep Better

The Three Components of a Healthy Lifestyle (ARA) – In today’s fast-paced world, moving at full speed isn’t an option, it’s a way of life. Finding the energy to keep up has led many Americans to improve their diets and…

Ease Menopause Symptoms with Aromatherapy

Menopause can be a physical, psychological and emotionally challenging time for many women. They will spend half of their adult lives in menopause, according to statistics which shows the average life expectancy of women at 79.5 years nowadays. By 2050…

Don’t Blame Me If I’m Fat!

In a culture of blame-shifting we often look for someone to blame for our predicament. Being overweight is no different – who is to blame for obesity? “It’s the fast food outlets – supplying us with fatty foods” “Our thin-obsessed…

Discussion of the Human Body Defense System

The human body is constantly challenged by bacteria, viruses, parasites, solar radiation, and pollution. Stress from emotional or physiological occurrences is other challenges to maintain a healthy body. Normally we are protected by the body defense system, the immune system,…