Category Health 4

How Harmful is Multiple Pregnancy?

If you’re seriously interested in knowing about multiple pregnancy, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about multiple pregnancy. There used to be a theory that twins…

How Depression Effects Learning Disabilities

Depression and learning disabilities are frequently misunderstood. Learning disabilities and depression are common mental illnesses that affect millions everyday. Studies has shown that children suffering with learning disabilities have complexity learning to speak fluently, take care of their health and…


The spinal cord and nerves. ————————– The action of alcohol continued beyond the first stage, the function of the spinal cord is influenced. Through this part of the nervous system we are accustomed, in health, to perform automatic acts of…


Causes:- 1, Weakness in the body wall:– a) Congenital weakness. b) Acquired weakness due to injuries,wasting of muscles,suppurative lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings,obesity,lack of exercise,repeated pregnancy. c) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of…

Healthy Eating Myths Shattered

Salt does Not Cause High Blood Pressure. Some things you need to know first to fully understand blood pressure, as well as helping you to understand about many other things in your body: The difference between average and normal. Average…

Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed

Some of the things you think you know that just ain’t so (these myths are not true): Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure Eating Fat does NOT make you fat All…