Jason Powell

Jason Powell

Skin Care Tips

Like it or not, your skin will be with you for the rest of your life. Your skin serves you and your body in a number of ways. It aids in sensory perception, protects you from injuries, provides a barrier…

Skin Care the Natural Way

As the old saying goes, “you are what you eat.” However, in terms of natural skin care diet is a great place to start, but by no means does good skin care stop there. When it comes to natural skin…

Simple Tips for Easy Weight Loss, Part I

Current statistics reveal that 75% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. For those who desire to lose weight and obtain optimal health, sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. From the Atkins Diet…

rX My Heart and Hope to Die

This must be a mistake! How could his drug costs rise from $150 a month to $1101 in just three weeks? My hands shook while I read the pharmacy bill. There was no mistake. The bill I held recorded the…

Running For Weight Loss…….Slow Down

So you’ve loved running since your track days of high school. It’s simple, you can do it anywhere and all you need is some good running shoes and pair of comfy cotton footies. But now it’s taken on a sub-purpose.…

Respiratory Help Is Available For Seniors With COPD

As HMOs Continue to Drop Coverage for Seniors – Now Over 500,000 Victims – Those Needing Expensive Respiratory Medication, Support and Homecare Services are the Hardest Hit One Patient Advocate, Geriatric Services of America, is Providing Relief to Victimized Patients…