How to shop for a Treadmill

Treadmills have become the hottest home exercise choice. According to the National Sporting Goods Association, treadmill sales have exceeded those of all other home exercise equipment. It’s easy to understand why. Next to good shoes, a treadmill may be a…

How to Prevent Bird Flu

And all other Winter Diseases. President Bush just announced plans to prepare America for a possible Bird (Avian) Flu pandemic (world wide infection). Few people still alive in America remember the flu pandemic that occurred after World War I. 675,000…

How To Identify Your Own Depression

Depression. What is it? Why would a normally healthy, optomistic person get depressed? If things go wrong, don’t you just talk yourself out of feeling sorry for yourself? So what if your 23 year marriage ends, and your soon-to-be ex-husband…