Category Paddy Health

Overall Risk of Cancer Cut By 37%…

What do you think about this? Overall cancer risk reduced by 37% Overall reduction in cancer mortality rates by 50% 30% reduction of colorectal cancer. Sounds like the sort of claims someone standing on a soapbox trying to sell snake…

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a psychiatric behavior disorder that is characterized by aggressiveness and a tendency to purposefully bother and irritate others. These behaviors cause significant difficulties with family and friends and at school or work. Oppositional defiant…

On Dis-ease

We are all terminally ill. It is a matter of time before we all die. Aging and death remain almost as mysterious as ever. We feel awed and uncomfortable when we contemplate these twin afflictions. Indeed, the very word denoting…

Obesity, What’s The ‘Big’ Deal

Nowadays, so much of the public is obese (fat) that it is the “norm”. So much so, that we are starting to ignore this epidemic. Thankfully, the Surgeon General has issued a warning about the plague of obesity that has…


Obesity is considered a major health problem in the United States. Obesity has been declared as an epidemic by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It is very unfortunate but true that more than 300,000 people die every year…

Navigating Food Labels

Here are a few tips to help you dissect the food label before your next visit to the supermarket: SERVING SIZE MATTERS Just because the food label lists a certain number of calories per serving does NOT mean that’s how…