Category Paddy Health

Have No Fear of Summer

Summer will be coming again soon. It’ll be time for beach parties, pool parties, outdoor picnics, and vacations. It’s a great time for you to be outside and enjoy your life. Do you feel anxious about the coming season due…

Generic Medications. Basic Information.

As stated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – a generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use. In other words, pharmacological…

Flu Prevention and the Gym Member

Health officials’ warning this month of a potentially harsh flu season should be a red flag to avid aerobic-bunnies and gym-jocks alike. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warn that the flu is transmitted when flu virus in the air…

Fixing it with Hypnosis

There are many fears and misunderstandings about the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and the myths and mystery that surround it are totally undeserved. This page will help you to understand the enormous life-enhancing potential of this ancient therapy. It…

Fitness Goal Secrets – Revealed Here

Before discussing Fitness Goal Secrets, let me ask you something: Have you ever find yourself wandering around aimlessly? You’re doing stuff. You know what your goal is, but you’re still not getting anywhere near your target. Click here for more…

Fat Burners: Why You Are Being Ripped-Off

Fat burners have become very popular in today’s society, especially in America. It seems that everyone is looking for a “quick fix” to their problem…and that is why they turn to those “awesome” fat burners where you can just pop…