Category Health 3

Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational medicine attempts to treat people with various forms of pure energy. The influence of alternative medical systems such as Chinese, Ayervedic or Tibetan medicine have led in part to the development of machines that can ‘image energy’. Heat energy…

Vaccine Safety

The premise of vaccines is a good one: modify an infective agent (bacteria, virus) in the laboratory so it is no longer virulent (disease-producing) without destroying its antigenic characteristics (immune-stimulating). When administered, a vaccine will then theoretically not produce the…

Untold Nutritional Secrets

A good understanding of nutrition and how to use the information will be extremely rewarding for anyone. We can all prevent disease and fight infection utilizing a powerful medicine ‘Food’ Using nutrition and supplementing your diet is the key to…

Unsung Benefits of Breastfeeding

From the Stone Age until just a few generations ago, human infants’ only sustenance was mother’s milk, but modern infant formula seems to be an adequate substitute. After all, infant mortality in Western societies is at historic lows and growth…

Understanding Breast Cancer

Our body is made up thousands of cells that differ in size, shape and function. Controlled by our DNA, each cell is programmed to perform certain tasks and after a specified period of time – die. This is normally done…

Tips To Help You Lose Excess Fat

Believe it or not, losing a little or a lot of fat involves pretty much the same concept – consistent dieting coupled with cardiovascular exercise and weight training. This is how the professionals do it, and it works. If you…