Category Health 3

Atkins & Low-Carb – Part 5

With the popularity of low-carb diets today, most of us have at one time or another considered cutting carbs. In this series of articles we have discussed ‘low-carbing’ and whether or not it’s right for everyone. In this article we’re…

Asthma: Exercise for Life!

It is estimated that 17 million people in America have asthma, with 5 million being under the age of 18. Asthma, which is Greek for “to pant”, is a chronic lung disease that triggers episodes of coughing, wheezing and shortness…

Arthritis-Hypnosis Connection

Did you know that we all have the ability to enhance self-healing, increase comfort and improve nutrition, exercise, communication and flexibility? This article explains clinical hypnosis and how it can bring relief to clients suffering from arthritis. Hypnosis is easy…

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms. Seek the advice of your health care professional if these symptoms are affecting your daily life. Here are a few of the most common anxiety symptoms. Chest Pain Chest pains…


Some degree of anxiety is perfectly normal. We all experience situations where we may feel fear and apprehension. However, there are some people who feel anxious even when there is no discernible cause. In these cases, the anxiety usually becomes…

Anti-Aging Skin Care: Turning Back the Clock

Wrinkles are quite literally a sign of the times. They are caused by both genetic and environmental factors such as sunlight, make up, chemical ridden cosmetics, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants. But regardless of their cause, many women find their…

Anti-aging: Is it really possible?

Although it is obviously not possible to turn the clock back entirely, we can take many steps now to ensure that not only do we slow down the aging process, but we can also reverse many of the signs of…

Alzheimer Disease and Antioxidants

At the present time, one out of ten adults have some form of Alzheimer disease. According to Dr. Greengard, Director of the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research at the Rockefeller University, that number is expected to strike up to three…