Category Health 3

Conquering the Common Cold

What do we know about the Common Cold? No Cure. Antibiotics, designed to knock out bacterial infections, do nothing when it comes to treating a cold. None of us are safe! No matter how strong and healthy we are, an…

Carb Blocker, A Solution to Weight Loss?

Low carb diets restrict the consumption of carbohydrates. The difference between the Atkins and the South Beach diet is within the amount of restriction. The induction phase of the Atkins diet restricts most carbohydrates while the South Beach diet allows…

Breast Cancer Treatment: Coping With A Mastectomy

As women, especially American women, much of our femininity is centered on our breasts. No matter where you look, there are pictures, billboards, commercials, television shows, and movies with women with these beautiful breasts and ample cleavage. The thought of…

Bodily Attributes!

The revolution is indeed underway. Money married to desire, imagination and necessity has produced a technological revolution which will see incredible changes and potential. This is not about any morbid fixation, but rather about complimentary technologies. Some religious ideologists, or…

Baby Steps to Weight Loss, Part 1

Many believe that eliminating fat and cholesterol from the diet is the answer to weight loss. The key to weight loss is in the moderation of healthy fats. The only thing you should eliminate from your diet is the unhealthy…