Category Health 2

Body Image

What do you look like? How big (or small) are you? How tall (or short)? How much do you weigh? When I ask participants how much they weighed when they were teenagers, I hear this lament: They thought they were…

Body Fat Distribution Factors

Most men and women put on weight differently. But on what makes fat settle in a preferential way, there is little evidence. Scientists ascertained that the specific body shapes are: the android shape, or apple shape, common among men (fat…

Beat High Prescription Drug Prices

Anyone who’s been to the pharmacy to fill a prescription lately is well aware that prices on prescription drugs have gone through the stratosphere. But there are steps you can take immediately to reduce your expenses in this area. Moreover,…

Homoeopathy for bad breath

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine introduced by a german physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann.Homoeopathy treats the diseased individual as a whole rather than treating diseased parts or organs.The physical,mental,emotional,social spheres of a person is considered for a permanent cure.This system…


Literally speaking all humanbeings are badbreathres. Oral cavity contains millions of anaerobic bacteria like fusobacterium and actinomyces which acts on the protein of food materials and putrifies them. This process results in the formation of offenssive gases like hydrogen sulphide,methyl…

Anger and Health

The effects of anger on health have more to do with duration than frequency and intensity. The normal experience of overt anger lasts only a few minutes. But the subtle forms of anger, such as resentment, impatience, irritability, grouchiness, etc.,…