Jason Powell

Jason Powell

How to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings!

As a weight loss mentor it never ceases to amaze me how people inadvertently set themselves up for a huge snack attack mid afternoon. For many, the set up is so complete that it is almost impossible to control! The…

Is LASIK Right for Me?

The subject of LASIK is a very interesting one. There is a lot to investigate and understand about the process of getting your vision corrected through laser surgery. I hope this article helps to point you where you need to…

In Search of Optimal Cardiovascular Health

Inflammation is your body’s natural response and is how a healthy immune system reacts to stresses to your body from injuries, irritation, chemicals, free radicals, stress and many other factors. New studies help confirm emerging evidence that low-grade inflammation is…

How Does My DNA Work?

The subject of DNA is very much in the headlines and news but very few have bothered to learn or understand just how this amazing molecule works and how it makes us what we are from head to toe. Haven’t…